Surgeon //

Mr Mark Forster MB ChB FRCS FRCS (Orth)
Arthroscopy, All Knee Surgery, Soft tissue injuries, Sports injury, Adolescent knee surgery
Consultant Profile
Practicing at:
Spire Cardiff Hospital
Special clinical interests:
Arthroscopic surgery
Knee ligament reconstruction
Partial, total and revision knee replacements
Patella conditions
Adolescent knee problems
Research interests:
ACL reconstruction, unicompartmental knee replacements, revision knee replacements, adolescent knee problems, articular cartilage resurfacing techniques, treatment of knee arthritis in young active patients.
Current NHS and /or university posts:
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust - University Hospital of Wales & Llandough Hospital
Clinical Lead for Knee Surgery, Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust - University Hospital of Wales & Llandough Hospital
Year of first medical qualification:
Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies:
Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
British Association for Surgery of the Knee
British Medical Association
Contact Details
Telephone number to make a private appointment:
Private secretary email address:
Personal email address:
Clinic Availability:
Monday pm, Tuesday eve alt weeks, Thursday pm / eve alt weeks
Background Information
Professional profile:
As a specialist knee surgeon, I treat all aspects of knee surgery and perform over 300 knee operations per year. During my training, I received extensive specialist training from 3 intensive Fellowships, 2 in the UK (Derby & Nottingham) and 1 in Adelaide, Australia. Whilst in Adelaide, I worked for 2 world leading surgeons who were involved in designing knee replacements and pioneering computer-assisted joint replacement. My clinical research interests include arthroscopic surgery, knee ligament reconstruction, partial knee replacement, total knee replacement, revision knee replacement, patella disorders, adolescent knee problems, cartilage resurfacing techniques and treatment of knee arthritis in young and active patients. I am heavily involved in research, with over 40 papers in peer reviewed journals and over 50 national and international presentations. I am a reviewer for The Knee and The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Personal profile:
I enjoy travelling to unusual places off the beaten track and have been fortunate to travel to many amazing places around the world. I love the great outdoors and spending time walking up hills or along the beach. I enjoy good food and good company.
I am a keen football fan. I am married with one son.
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